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Post-Stockholder's Meeting Update

Good Afternoon!

Thanks to those stockholders who were able to attend the meeting on Saturday! And thank you for your questions! We would like you to know that while it may seem certain issues are taking a long time to resolve, it does not mean we are not working on them. All the board members work very hard on their committees. So please be patient with us!

You can find a copy of the President's Report in the next post.

The following non-encumbents have been elected to the board:

Rev Rob Romig

Brad Waldman

Harrison Leuckel

Our board now consists of the following:

Pastor Gus Al-Khal

Kathy Canfield

Dennis Carwell

Rev. Bob Klersy

Charlie Knapp

Harrison Leuckel

Phyllis Mickley

Beth Nahodil

Rev. Rob Romig

Mike Sosnowski

Dick Souilliard

Nancy Strohecker

Gerald Wagner

Mary Wagner

Brad Waldman

Gayle Yastrop

We will be reorganizing at our next regular board meeting on October 29th.

The results of the charter amendments, which will go into effect as soon as we file it with the Commonwealth, are as follows:

Regarding Charter Ballot #1:

Over 75% of the voters voted yes. The new charter amendment will read:

The purpose for which the corporation is formed is the maintenance of a private park in Salisbury Township, Lehigh County, and state of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of holding religious services and camp meetings, Sunday School celebrations and other moral gatherings that are in conformity with the teaching beliefs and social practices as delineated in the Discipline and rules of the National Conference of the Evangelical Congregational Church.

Regarding Charter Ballot #2:

Over 75% of the voters voted yes. The new charter amendment will read:

The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a board of (15) fifteen directors who shall be elected by ballot by the stockholders, in person or by their proxies, from which at least nine will be from the membership of the Evangelical Congregational Church, no more than three members in good standing from a local church that is consistent and conforming with the Discipline, teaching and beliefs of the Evangelical Congregational Church, and three of whom shall be ministers of the Evangelical Congregational Church.

Five directors will be elected in each and every year for a term of three years.

Eight members will constitute a quorum.

Regarding Charter Ballot #3:

Less than the needed 75% the voters voted yes to allowing at least three (3) non-EC members to serve on the board. Therefore, the proposed charter amendment below has not passed. The board will remain all EC members.

The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a board of (15) fifteen directors who shall be elected by ballot by the stockholders, in person or by their proxies, from which at least nine will be from the membership of the Evangelical Congregational Church, no more than three members in good standing from a local church that is consistent and conforming with the Discipline, teaching and beliefs of the Evangelical Congregational Church, and three of whom shall be ministers of the Evangelical Congregational Church.

Five directors will be elected in each and every year for a term of three years.

Eight members will constitute a quorum.


Until next time...

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