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January 22, 2016 Update

Good morning!

Just some information to share:

Please keep the date of Saturday, March 19th open and join us for breakfast at the Sacred Heart Senior Living Center in Northampton from 9:00AM to 10:30AM. This will be our first fundraising event of the new year. The cost is $12.00 for adults and $8.00 for children under 12. Proceeds will go towards updating the sound system at the Tabernacle. Spread the word!

If you or someone you know would like a position as a lifeguard at the pool, please contact Karen Berard at 484-347-4670. Hours are usually only three hours a day, but not necessarily every day. You must be 15 and have a life guard certificate. Karen will give you information on how to obtain that.

We also have new pool rates for 2016:

Season passes for families (all children under 18) for residents is now $160

Season passes for families (all children under 18) for non-residents is now $200

Season passes for single residents 18 years and older is now $80

Season passes for single non-residents 18 years and older is now $100

Season passes for single residents 18 years and under is now $50

Season passes for single non-residents 18 years and under is now $65

Daily rates are: Adults – $6.00 (18 years and older)

Children – $5.00 (ages 5 years to 17 years)

Children – $4.00 (walking children under 5 years)

Since there is a major snow storm heading our way on Saturday, we will need able bodied residents to help shovel out when the storm ends (Sunday?). The circle (large enough for the post man to drive in and turn around in his truck), the area around the mail boxes and the areas around the two dumpsters must be done in order to have the mail delivered and for dumpster pick up. Also, the following residents need help to shovel around their cottages: The Scanlins at cottage #41, the Knapps at cottage #167 and the Danekers at cottage #14. Kids are welcomed to help!

Also, please do not use the dumpster on the east side (where the garages are) if it is full. They will not pick up garbage bags on the ground. Use the dumpster on the west side by the playground instead. Thank you!

Please continue to keep the following people in your prayers:

Carol Wigfield

Herb Leibach

Joyce Souilliard

Jim Carls

Thank you!


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