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COVID-19 Statment

With the upcoming 2020 season right around the corner, you are sure to have many questions about how Waldheim Park is reacting to the COVID-19 situation.  Please see our statement below:

Waldheim Park is complying with Gov. Wolf's current recommendations and we ask that all residents and friends of the park do the same.  We encourage you to social distance responsibly and to do your part to not spread the virus further.  Waldheim Park has several high-risk persons that live in and visit the park regularly and we are asking that you help us protect those that are vulnerable.  We are encouraging you to also wear masks, purchased or homemade, if and when you are going to any of the public areas within the park (mailboxes, tabernacle, etc).

While the water has been turned on and summer residents are welcome to visit the park to clean or prepare their cottages, we expect that everyone will continue to social distance during this process.  Public bathrooms are not open at this time.

We have started planning our summer programming but all scheduling has been paused at this time.  Per  Gov. Wolf's recommendation, we will not be holding any gatherings until it has been deemed safe and appropriate to do so.  We will post on our social media and website with any events and we hope to see you all at events once it is safe to be together as we miss you and cannot wait to resume our normal summer socializing and fellowship!

Waldheim Park is remaining open to visitors during this time as well.  We know that the park is used by neighbors and friends and we want to continue to allow people to have a safe place to get out and experience the beauty that God has given us at Waldheim Park.  Walkers, dog walkers, picnic-ers, and drivers are still welcome.  

These are scary times for everyone and if anyone is struggling with loneliness, unmet physical needs (food, necessary items, etc), emotional distress, anxiety, or anything else, please reach out to neighbors, friends, or Board Members.  Waldheim Park wants to maintain the loving community that we all love and cherish, even during these weeks of social distancing and isolation.  Please feel free to message us if you are struggling and need help.

For more information on Gov. Wolf's recommendations, follow this link:


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