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April 29, 2017 Update

Good afternoon!

Some updates for you!

Mark your calendars: Our volunteer days will be held on Saturday, May 6th and Saturday, May 13th. We will meet at the circle at 10:00 AM.

On the agenda is to clean up in and around the tabernacle, the snack stand and the pool area. Lunch will be provided by the Civic Association. Your help is appreciated!

Attached is a list of Board members and which committees they chair. Please....if you have an questions, go directly to the Board member who heads off the committee that relates to your question or issue. If it is a Civic issue, please contact Lenore. Also attached are the Rules and Regulations of the park from the By Laws booklet. Keep both of them handy. Thank you!

Also, several proposals were discussed at the Board meeting today. Two of them were approved so far.

#1 – According to Article IV: Rules and Regulations of Waldheim Park, pets are not allowed to run loose in the park. Dogs must be on a leash and the owner is responsible to clean up after their pets. Proposal: Any resident violating this rule will be fined $15 for each incident. Discussion: While many residents abide by the leash rule, some do not. In order to enforce this rule, residents will be fined for not having their dogs on a leash. This proposal is for the safety of not only the park residents, but for the safety of our visitors AND your pets. Signs will be placed in the park to make non-residents aware of this new policy.Vote: Proposal approved and passed unanimously by the Board.

#2 - According to Article V: Cottages, I-Fees, 1. - the rental of lots shall be on the basis of a charge per year as set by the Board of Directors....

and Article V: Cottages, I-Fees, 2. – A charge will be made to cottage owners each year for the maintenance of the park, water and removal of garbage and leaves. This fee will be set by the Board of Directors....... Proposal: Winter residents will now pay the same amount of seasonal rent as the summer residents do every year hereafter starting in 2017. Since the rent for summer residents is currently $900 for the 2017 season, the winter residents will also pay $900 for this upcoming winter season. Discussion: Since our pool of volunteers gets smaller every year, we are forced to hire workers not only for the summer to maintain the park, but additionally for snow removal in key areas of the park during the winter. Vote: Proposal approved and passed unanimously by the Board.

#3 - The majority of residents have two parking spaces for their vehicles at their cottage. The unwritten rule has always been that owners are only permitted two vehicles at their cottage with the others parked on the upper or lower fields. Discussion: The Board is currently working on a solution regarding these extra vehicles. What we don’t want is that the park takes on the appearance of a used car lot. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.

#4 – Currently, cottage residents selling their cottages advertise the sale on our website, through word of mouth or through their church bulletin. Discussion: We are currently working on a resolution as to whether to permit residents to use a realtor to sell their cottage. This would require displaying a “For Sale” sign at said cottage which invites outsiders to roam our park, driving up and down the pedestrian walkways and stopping to peek through unoccupied cottage doors and windows. Realtors may challenge us on the eligibility of their clients, even though we are listed as a private Christian park and have a screening process that every potential buyer must go through. This will also be discussed again at the next meeting.

Til next time.........

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